Thursday, February 23, 2017

Time Out with Natalia Adriance (2017 Justin-Siena senior)

Vince D’Adamo: What have you enjoyed most about competing in athletics throughout your life?

Natalia Adriance: I have played sports my whole life; they were essential to my development and personality. I love the competitive nature of sports and the sense of camaraderie and the relationships that I formed with my teammates and coaches. Some of my best memories have come from sports and it has taught me many valuable lessons in life such as leadership, teamwork, and work ethic.
D’Adamo: What are your plans after high school?

Adriance: I will be attending the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana to study business. Although it is far away from the Bay Area, Notre Dame is my dream school because of the stellar community, top-tier sports, and strong, ethics based academics. I hope that Notre Dame will help me define my dream career. Notre Dame has vast community connections across the country, which will help since I do want to come back and work in California, specifically the Bay Area.
D’Adamo: What might you choose as a major? What intrigues you about going that direction?

Adriance: I have been accepted into the Mendoza School of Business which allows me to take core classes in many different aspects of business before I have to declare my specialty at the end of my sophomore year. At first glance, I am a very logical and analytical thinker so I am considering finance as my major. But Business does apply across a broad range of jobs and fields, so I am keeping my options open for now.
D’Adamo: What has been your favorite class here at Justin-Siena High?

Adriance: My favorite classes at Justin-Siena High School have been APUSH (AP United States History) and AP World History because I am fascinated by history, believing that we are all the result of past events, choices, and actions. In particular, I have always enjoyed studying Roman and Greek civilizations, in addition to the Medieval Age in Europe, but I have become passionate about the 20th century in the United States.
D’Adamo: Within your family who have been the most influential people?

Adriance: Both of my parents have enabled me to be the person I am today. My parents hold me to high standards and constantly challenge me to try different activities and to be the best that I could be. Their presence at virtually all my sporting events and activities and their encouragement made me feel grateful and supported in all my choices. My parents have shown me that things of worth in life require time and effort and have given me the motivation to be successful in all that I do.
D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports, that you would most like to meet. What would intrigue you about meeting him or her?

Adriance: I cannot think off the top of my head a specific historical figure that I want to meet, but I do admire Franklin Delano Roosevelt for his courage, determination, and ability to guide the United States during the Great Depression. Being the history nerd that I am, I admire his intellect and his work ethic that were an inspiration to Americans during a time of despair.

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