Friday, February 3, 2017

Time Out with Olivia Perata (2017 Justin-Siena High senior)

Vince D’Adamo: What have you enjoyed most about competing in athletics throughout your life?

Olivia Perata: What I've always loved about sports is how it provides an outlet for any stress or problems I deal with daily, because I can drop them as soon as I step on the court or field. Every year that I've competed in different sports I've met a variety of amazing people that I may never have met otherwise, and some have even become my closest friends. Ultimately, the best part of sports is becoming so wrapped up in the camaraderie and the competition that it becomes an escape. It's a feeling that I have yet to find in any other activity I've participated in.

D’Adamo: What are your plans after high school?

Perata: I plan to attend a four year university after high school, and although I haven't made my decision yet, it looks like I'll be heading out of state.

D’Adamo: What might you choose as a major? What intrigues you about going that direction?

Perata: I intend to major in psychology, which is something I've been fascinated by my whole life. I'm extremely interested in how people's minds work, what motivates them, and how they see others and themselves.

D’Adamo: What has been your favorite class here at Justin-Siena High?

Perata: My favorite class at Justin-Siena has psychology, which is fitting considering my major. It has given me an entirely different perspective on people, and shown me how unique each person truly is. Most notably, it taught me what I want from life and who I want to be as a person, and how to achieve those goals through positivity.

D’Adamo: Within your family who have been the most influential people?

Perata: My family as a whole has been a driving force in everything good in my life, but my parents and brother are easily the most influential. My parents have been the best role models for me since the day I was born, and they are at the core of all of my values and beliefs. My brother taught me how to be patient and understanding, and motivates me to be a better person every day so that I can set a good example for him. Both my parents and my little brother have been an unshakable support system through everything, shown me the power of love, hard work, and sacrifice, and are the best people I know and strive to be more like in all that I do.

D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports, that you would most like to meet. What would intrigue you about meeting him or her?

Perata: A historical figure that I would love to meet would be Michelle Obama. I was incredibly impressed with everything she stood for, and worked toward, in her former position as the First Lady of the United States. As a young woman in modern society, I would love to hear her advice on having a voice and sharing opinions and goals in a way that is as impactful as hers.

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