Thursday, August 31, 2017

Time Out with Zach Geary: 2018 Vintage High senior

Vince D’Adamo: What have you enjoyed most about competing in athletics throughout your life?
Zach Geary: What I have enjoyed about competing in athletics all my life is the feeling it gives me when I'm on the field. It gives me a different type of vibe that I can't get from anything else and being able to do what I love the most is a blessing and something to not take for granted because not everyone is able to do it.
D’Adamo: What are your plans after high school?
Geary: My plans for after high school is to go to college and hopefully continue my career in football and keep doing what I love.
D’Adamo: What might you choose as a major? What intrigues you about going that direction?
Geary: What I want to do isn't really a major but I want to do paramedic studies and become a paramedic then hopefully become a firefighter. I've wanted to become a firefighter all my life because I'm passionate about it and I've had respect for firemen all my life and I want to save people's lives.
D’Adamo: What has been your favorite class here at Vintage High?
Geary: My favorite class at Vintage High has been math because it gets you thinking and you have to use a lot of your brain to be able to figure things out and I like having to work through problems to solve something.
D’Adamo: Within your family who have been the most influential people?
Geary: The person in my family that has been most influential has been my mom. She is a very strong woman because her and my dad separated when I was young so she has been raising two kids by herself and that is a really hard thing to handle. She works very hard in providing my sister and I food, clothes, and shelter over our heads. She is the reason I work so hard on the football field and is a very big role model to me.
D’Adamo: You have been chosen to play in the Blue-Grey All-American at AT&T Stadium in Dallas, describe how thrilling it is to be chosen.
Geary: Being chosen to the Blue Grey All American Bowl is a blessing. It is an honor to have this chance to go to Texas and compete with some of the best guys from all around the country and prove myself to college coaches that I have what it takes to make it to the next level. Being invited definitely isn't something to take for granted because I was 1 of 90 out of 6750 players. I will take what I have learned from Coach Leach, Coach Archer, and Coach Dupree and apply those skills on the field. It is a true honor and blessing to be named a Blue Grey All American.
D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports, that you would most like to meet.
Geary: A figure that I'd love to meet is Odell Beckham Jr. I want to meet him because he is my favorite player to watch in the NFL and I respect him a lot because he is very humble with everything he does. He works very hard and he is one of the best receivers in the league. It is my dream to meet him.

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