Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Time Out with Manny Vassos (Vintage High 2016 senior)

Vince D’Adamo: What have you enjoyed most about competing in athletics throughout your life?
Manny Vassos: Throughout my life athletics have been along side me to guide and push me. I've completely enjoyed being around others that are honed to the same goals and interests as me while we all compete. Athletics in my life have always created a tight bonded community feeling that goes along anywhere, from Napa's Garfield park when i was young, all the way now to Vintage High School. I still to this day love realizing that my teammates and I are completely embodied with a huge, widespread community of fans and loves ones that are constantly cheering us on.
D’Adamo: What are your plans after high school?
Vassos: After high school I plan to attend a four-year university. I will also be playing the sport of rugby. After playing the sport of rugby now for two years,  I've already formed a very tight knit bond with the game and lifestyle which I plan without a doubt to continue working at. Almost any college campus has some kind of rugby team closely affiliated with them, and I'm very excited to find a team to play on.
D’Adamo: What might you choose as a major? What intrigues you about going that direction?
Vassos: In college I am planning to study some field of engineering or computer science. I have my eyes set on these majors because I want to push my mentally capacities to their fullest as I become good at something my brain and heart already love to do.    
D’Adamo: What has been your favorite class here at Vintage High?
Vassos: At Vintage High, I've loved many classes but as of last year one has absolutely topped my charts. Last year Mr. Paul Brochard offered AP Computer Science and it was an amazing class. This class opened up my mind to the world of computer programming and I plan to stick with it as my life progresses.
D’Adamo: Within your family who have been the most influential people?
Vassos: Within my family, my mother and my uncle have been the most influencing to my life. They both have taught me so much throughout my seventeen years of life. My uncle pushed me to succeed in football and was a huge reason why I became so involved in the sport to begin with. Even though now we are facing each other on opposing sides of the fields as he coaches his Napa players, nothing will ever change the connections I hold to him.
D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports, that you would most like to meet.
Vassos: If I could meet any historical figure in my lifetime I would love to meet Carl Sagan. I love the things which he taught and it would fascinate me beyond belief to sit and listen to someone of his caliber talk about astrology and the sciences.

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