Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Time Out with Scott Ghisletta (1988 Napa High graduate)

Vince D’Adamo: What did you enjoy most about competing in athletics throughout your life?

Scott Ghisletta: My favorite thing was the friends I made and competed with. I'm still good friends today with a few of the guys I met playing sports.

D’Adamo: What have you been doing since graduating from high school?

Ghisletta: Other than spending time with my family (Lisa, Troy, and Anna) mostly selling real estate and now teaching Physical Education at Benicia Middle School.

D’Adamo: What was your favorite class at Napa High?

Ghisletta: My favorite class at Napa High was English with Mr. Richmond. I took classes from him three years in a row. He was a great teacher.

D’Adamo: What was your favorite athletic moment at Napa High?

Ghisletta: Probably my first hit for Napa High baseball. It was at Benicia High and ironically on the field I taught P.E. on all the time when I was at the high school before I went to the middle school. A great memory.

D’Adamo: How much do you feel you have grown personally since graduating from high school and how much of that do you trace to athletics?

Ghisletta: I've grown a lot. Athletics teaches you how to deal with success and failure in life. I should have been a better player than I was but I didn't understand how to stay "even keeled" back then and I got too happy when I did good and too down when I didn't. I've tried to teach my kids to learn something from each game but then quickly forget about it and move on to the next one.

D’Adamo: Within your family, who have been the most influential people?

Ghisletta: My dad and mom. Neither were very active in sports other than as spectators but they taught me how to be a good person and my dad exposed me to outdoor activities like hunting and fishing which I still love to do.

D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports you would most like to meet.
Ghisletta: If I could pick one guy in sports it would be Ted Williams. I've read several books about him and he was an tremendous ball player, fisherman and war hero. Outside sports it would probably be Bruce Lee. I don't know if he's considered historical but I've always been a fan of his and I admire his discipline and the way he handled himself in life.

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