Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Time Out with Ron Caretti -- 2018 Justin-Siena High senior

Vince D’Adamo: What have you enjoyed most about competing in athletics throughout your life?

Ron Caretti: The thing I love most about competing is the test of character. Sports show you your true physical and mental capabilities. For me it's like a test of maturity. I also enjoy it because I look back from when I was young, all the way up until now and the growth physically and mentally is tremendous.

D’Adamo: What are your plans after high school?

Caretti: My plans after high school are to attend college and pursue my dream of being a professional athlete. But most of all an education.

D’Adamo: What might you choose as a major? What intrigues you about going that direction?

Caretti: Business as a major, I looked into fashion design, I love clothing. I always feel the need to buy clothing or even design them myself

D’Adamo: What has been your favorite class here at Justin-Siena High? What have you enjoyed about it?

Caretti: My favorite class that I have taken at Justin is geometry. It just seemed to click right away and was easy for me to grasp. My teacher who no longer teaches there anymore Ms. Pamela Gresh was the teacher for that class and she always kept me in check.

D’Adamo: Within your family who have been the most influential people? How have they been influential?

Caretti: My father has been a big influence on my life . He has done a lot for me from a young age until now. From signing me up for sports all the way to getting the education I am getting today. He has worked extremely hard to put in the best possible position in life and I can only be grateful for him.

D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports, that you would most like to meet. What would intrigue you about meeting him or her?

Caretti: I wish I could've met Martin Luther King Jr., he was a African American man who lived in a time of hate, and division. He could've easily stayed out of the way and let things happen they way they did but he stood out amongst others and voiced his opinion on the country. He was his own self no matter what people thought in a society where no one wanted to really listen.

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