Saturday, February 17, 2018

Time Out with Madison Van Zandt -- 2015 Napa High graduate

Vince D’Adamo: What did you enjoy most about competing in athletics
throughout your life?

Madison Van Zandt: My favorite part of competing in sports were the relationships
it lead me to. With both coaches and teammates, I met some incredible and
inspiring people that have continued to impact my life. Darci Ward and Michelle
Lewis truly changed my life and being a part of their program is an experience that
I hold so dearly to my heart. They were able to foster relationships between people
who would have never been friends otherwise, creating a second family for all of us.
I continue to talk to them and am able to come to them for advice whenever needed.
They have done so much for me and my family. I will always love and thank them
for the impact they have had on me. I was also lucky enough to have incredible
coaches out of town. Tom Corriveau was my first AAU coach for a team in Santa
Rosa. He passed away in 2015 and it was absolutely devastating. The fun and
energy he brought to our team is something I think about constantly. Thank you
Tom for everything that you did for me and the countless other girls you coached.
Your spirit and love for the game was truly unique -- rest in peace. Last but not
least is Rod Hodges and the MRC Rebels AAU program in San Francisco. Playing
for them in high school was simply incredible. I met so many amazing young
women and crazy talented basketball players all while having fun and traveling
around the country doing what I loved.

D’Adamo: What have you been doing since graduating from high school?

Van Zandt: Since graduating from Napa High in 2015, I have been attending UC
Santa Cruz. I am in my third year and am pursuing a degree in Environmental
Studies with a concentration in Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.
This spring quarter will be my final at UCSC. After that I will be studying abroad
during the fall in Italy and Spain, completing a Mediterranean Politics, Food, and
Culture program and will be finished with my undergraduate degree after that. I
also played basketball for UCSC my freshman year. Even though the program
was not the right fit for me personally, I am grateful for that experience because
it introduced me to my best friends here in Santa Cruz. We also got to compete
in the DIII NCAA tournament after winning our conference which was an
exhilarating experience.

D’Adamo: What was your favorite class at Napa High?

Van Zandt: My favorite class at Napa High had to be either Honors English
freshman year with Mr. Aaron or Man’s Search for Meaning my senior year with
Mrs. V. Both were incredible classes that I recommend to any student. They gave
me the opportunity to excel in education while embracing my creative side at the
same time -- something that can be challenging in the public school system.

D’Adamo: What was your favorite athletic moment at Napa High?

Van Zandt: My favorite athletic moment at Napa High was probably my first Big
Game on varsity my freshman year. Experiencing that as a freshman was such a
unique opportunity. The crowd was crazy and the game had such high energy and
was so much fun. I’ll never forgot blocking one of their best players who was a
senior and we won. If my memory is correct I think it was the first time we had
beat Vintage in Big Game for awhile. Definitely something I’ll never forget.

D’Adamo: How much do you feel you have grown personally since
graduating from high school and how much of that do you trace to

Van Zandt: I think I have grown a lot since high school. I still have a lot of the same
interests and pretty much the same personality but my internal growth has been
tremendous. Sports have taught me not to be afraid to set high goals and has also
given me the skills needed to reach them. Focus, determination, and believing in
yourself are all things I learned from playing sports. Also, not feeling like I
constantly have to go at things alone is something I really took away from sports.
Even if I’m not on a team anymore I have my own personal “team” of friends and
family who I know are always there to support me when I need it.

D’Adamo: Within your family, who have been the most influential people?

Van Zandt: My parents are my biggest inspiration. They have worked so hard to
give me and my brothers everything that we have. I know it wasn’t easy. As I got
older I realized how much time and money they put into us being able to play
sports and be on traveling teams. Driving to San Francisco and Santa Rosa two
days a week just for practice for about six years must have been crazy for them
-- not to mention driving all over northern California on weekends. They sacrificed
their own lives and happiness many times to help us be successful and to make
sure we had every opportunity to pursue our dreams, on and off the courts.
Thank you so much mom and dad. I love you with all my heart.

D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports you
would most like to meet.
Van Zandt: I would love to meet Gloria Steinem. She a trailblazer in the
male-dominated field of journalism and has went on to be a champion of women’s
rights and intersectional feminism. She is such an inspiration to me. Seeing strong
female role models in politics and other fields is so important for young girls,
especially in the trying times we are currently facing. Because of women like her
I have no intention of letting gender barriers ever stop me from pursuing my goals.

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