Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Time Out with Aaron Cronin (2016 St. Helena High senior)

Vince D’Adamo: What have you enjoyed most about competing in athletics throughout your life?
Aaron Cronin: The thing I enjoy most about competing in athletics is the camaraderie that you build with your team. While playing the game is certainly fun, forming relationships around a sport where there is interdependence between all players creates unique relationships, that aren't seen in many other places.
D’Adamo: What are your plans after high school?
Cronin: After high school, I plan to attend a four-year university. My top choice is Colorado College, but I've also been looking at Lewis & Clark University and Denver University.
D’Adamo: What might you choose as a major? What intrigues you about going that direction?
Cronin: I'm very unsure of what I want to major in, but I'm leaning towards something in the biological/ecological sciences. Maybe something like biochemistry or environmental science. I'm intrigued in biological sciences because getting a major in this field would increase my understanding of the interactions between all living species and the earth, specifically how humans affect the earth. Perhaps I could help the huge issue of global warming by going into environmental policy, or something in the likes.
D’Adamo: What has been your favorite class here at St. Helena High?
Cronin: I took my favorite class at St. Helena High my junior year, which was AP Biology. While the class was very demanding and pushed me to my academic limits, I learned more about the earth and about life than I ever have in my academic career. I think I learned more in that class than any other class I've taken, period. One of the reasons I like it so much is because it is applicable in many real life situations, which helps justify my learning of the subject.
D’Adamo: Within your family who have been the most influential people?
Cronin: My sister has been very influential, in that she has served as a role model to me as I've grown up. She attends Colorado College (my top choice), and is the one who got me interested in it. Besides that, she's shaped my music taste, political perspectives, and has helped me in countless situations. Of course, my mother and father have been very influential in shaping my perspectives as well, and raising me to be a grateful and realistic young person.
D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports, that you would most like to meet. What would intrigue you about meeting him or her?
Cronin: If I were to meet one historical figure, it would be Kurt Vonnegut. I love his writing style, and his ability to find humor out of even the darkest subjects. I'd be interested to see how he is in person, and whether he talks and acts how he writes.

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