Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Time Out with Kelsey (Jacka) Hunsaker -- 2002 Vintage High graduate

Vince D’Adamo: What did you enjoy most about competing in athletics throughout your life?

Kelsey Hunsaker: I loved that no matter what was going on in your life, sports was always an escape for me. I was able to forget what was going on in school whether it was studying for a test, or writing a long paper. I was able to be in the moment and focus on competing and bettering myself everyday to reach whatever goal I wanted to obtain.  

D’Adamo: What have you been doing since graduating from high school?  

Hunsaker: Since high school I followed my dream of being a teacher. I attended San Diego State and Chico State for my bachelor degree in liberal studies. I furthered my education at UC Davis to earn a teaching credential and Masters in Education with the emphasis in reading. However, my two years at Chico State definitely made the biggest impact in my life because that is where I met my amazing husband, Chris which now led us to our beautiful baby girl, Colbie.

D’Adamo: What was your favorite class at Vintage High?

Hunsaker: My favorite class was US History with Mr. (Dan) King as my teacher. Not only was he my teacher, but my basketball coach as well. Mr. King made learning so much fun.  He is one of the major factors on why I became a teacher. Learning history can be very stuffy at times where you are only getting facts from a textbook, but Mr. King made our learning come alive by actually having us reinact the history to make it more relevant for all of his students.

D’Adamo: What  was your favorite athletic moment at Vintage High?

Hunsaker: My favorite athletic moment had to be playing against Justin-Siena in a basketball tournament. It was the championship game of the tournament during my junior year. I was always played shooting guard; however, my coach, Mr. King moved me to point guard to try and take control of the game. I very rarely played that position, and never felt confident at that position. I could see that Mr. King had a lot of confidence in me in that moment, and that gave me the assurance that I would make a big impact for my team. I ended up having key steals, assists, and clutch free throws during the final minutes to help win the game.

D’Adamo: How much do you feel you have grown personally since graduating from high school and how much of that do you trace to athletics?

Hunsaker: I have grown tremendously from high school and have attributed a large portion of that to athletics. I live my life simple but to the point. A great quote that drives me on a daily basis is "the difference between good and great is a little extra effort." The beauty of those words,  are that they can be applied to every aspect of my life. Whether a big term paper or studying for my next big interview, effort is what elevates you to the next level.

D’Adamo: Within your family, who have been the most influential people?

Hunsaker: Coming from a big family, I had both my parents to look up to and my two older siblings. My parents both had great work ethic and influenced me at a young age. My siblings success in sports gave me the drive to achieve all my athletic goals. In my adult life, my husband has been at the core of helping me set and achieve a high level of success for myself. Since the age of 20, he has been at my side giving me the strength to conquer all life's obstacles.

D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports you would most like to meet.

Hunsaker: I would like to meet William Wallace. The bloodline on my mother's side is Scottish. William Wallace is a national hero to Scotland and was a central figure to secure their freedom from England. Also, I just loved the movie Braveheart! Who doesn't?!

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