Friday, October 9, 2015

Time Out with Oscar Espinoza (Calistoga High 2016 senior)

Vince D’Adamo: What have you enjoyed most about competing in athletics throughout your life?
Oscar Espinoza: What I have enjoyed the most about competing in athletics throughout my life is winning with my team. It is one of the best feelings people will ever get. Competing in athletics has not only brought me lots of joy but it has also created a bigger bond with my friends.
D’Adamo: What are your plans after high school?
Espinoza: l want to go to a good college and make lots of money but do not know what to study. To which ever college I end up going to I would like to continue playing soccer and hoping to become a professional soccer player.
D’Adamo: What might you choose as a major? What intrigues you about going that direction?
Espinoza: I don't know what major I want to study yet.
D’Adamo: What has been your favorite class here at Calistoga High?
Espinoza: 4. My favorite class here in Calistoga had to be Spanish 4 with Mrs. Orozco, my junior year. It was just a very interesting class and having all my buddies in there just made it even more fun. Something I will never forget about that class was always making Mr. Orozco mad, but at the end of the day we were always happy with our teacher.
D’Adamo: Within your family who have been the most influential people?
Espinoza: I have had one big influential person within my family, my older brother. My older brother was the person who showed me the game of soccer and I will always love him for that. He is the best role model I have had throughout my life. All my life I have looked up to him.
D’Adamo: Name a historical figure, dead or alive, in or out of sports, that you would most like to meet. What would intrigue you about meeting him or her?
Espinoza: Ronaldinho is the person I would love to meet. Ever since I was young I have loved his style of playing the game of soccer. If I ever meet him I would have tons of questions for him. About his life, soccer, and many other things.

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